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Information SMS

Sender field

  1. The sender field can be a name of up to 11 characters.
  2. Acceptable characters: a-z A-Z 0-9 -. [space] (phone number is not allowed).
  3. The system does not accept sender fields with more than 3 consecutive digits (e.g. incorrect name is: TEST1234, 2012tickets).
  4. The field must contain at least one letter.

Additional information

Maximum length of the SMS

Number of parts No special characters With special characters
1 part 160 characters 70 characters
2 parts 306 characters 134 characters
3 parts 459 characters 201 characters
4 parts 612 characters 268 characters
5 parts 765 characters 335 characters
6 parts 918 characters 402 characters
Updated on 18 March 2022

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